Cartography Crash Course resources

The following resources—articles, tools, tutorials, and more—accompany the Cartography Crash Course workshop from OpenVis Conf 2016, by Andy Woodruff and Mike Foster. They are categorized according to topics covered in the workshop, and offer some paths to learning about those topics in much more detail.

Other resource lists

Many of the links on this page were copied from resource lists that others have diligently compiled. In those cases we've plucked some mostly on the educational side of things. Visit these lists for much more, especially for links to technical tools and resources!

General mapping


What is a map? What is GIS? What is Cartography?

Types of maps

Map design


Visual Variables


Data Classification

Scale and generalization

Map projections


Geographic phenomena and data

Data formats

Working with data


Data sources


General GIS


What is a web map?

When should a map be interactive?

Building a custom map with Leaflet


More on web maps